EPOS and the Customer Experience

EPOS and the Customer Experience

Posted by Emily Morgan on

In today’s competitive industry, businesses are continuously finding ways to differentiate themselves from their competition and subsequently increase their profits. There is, however, one crucial element of business practice that is set to become the catalyst for business success: customer experience.

“By 2020, customer experience will overtake price and product as the key brand differentiator.”

-(Walker Info)

Every time a customer walks through the doors of your business, the level of interaction between your staff and your brand contributes to the customer experience. This element is an integral part of maintaining your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and is now being acknowledged as a significant factor to retain customers, attract new clients and ultimately increase sales..

Ceri's candles store front

I would forgive you if you overlooked the EPOS equipment that you use in your business, but what if I told you that your EPOS system can actually contribute to a higher customer experience score? Read on to find out how.

Ceri's Candles inside store with P2C terminal

The aesthetics of your EPOS system

Did you know that consumers make a subconscious judgment about an environment or product within 90 seconds of initial viewing?

-Jill Morton, colour psychologist and branding expert

Research has shown that the colours you choose within your business surroundings can have a powerful psychological effect on a consumer’s purchasing behaviour. When your client visits your establishment, a sleek and vivid EPOS system will have a positive subconscious effect upon the customer’s overall impression of your company. Who knew!?

P2C terminal showing order in progress

The speed of your system

An EPOS system should be easy to use, reliable and highly-responsive at any time of the day. After all, your system is there to help staff make stress-free payments and shouldn’t be a hindrance to them during a busy shift. In contrast, a slow, unresponsive and complicated system can often lead to confused employees, longer customer queues and ultimately unsatisfied customers, all of which can have a detrimental effect on your customer satisfaction rating.


A speedy EPOS system will mean that your staff will spend less time on the epos system and more time interacting with their customers and executing the perfect customer service.

“POS allows enterprise staff to provide better customer experience and enables flexible payment process that enhance queue management.”

-Rakesh Panda, one of Technavio’s lead analysts for M2M and connected devices research.

Couple sitting at cafe table

Software features

The last thing that a busy restaurant wants to see is unhappy customers waiting lengthy periods of time for a table, or even worse, being turned away. An EPOS system that includes relevant features to your business, such as a table plan and reservation tool, can dramatically improve the efficiency of your business and allows employees to spend less time worrying about customer capacity and more time on the customers themselves, ensuring that they are receiving a positive customer experience.

Research has shown that a totally satisfied customer contributes 2.6 times as much revenue as a somewhat satisfied customer

- InfoQuest

P2C showing reorder stock screen

Inventory planning

With the help of an EPOS system, managers will be able to see what items are in stock and what goods need to be replenished. After all, it doesn’t look good when a customer orders a list of items that have sold out! An effective inventory feature on your EPOS system will not only improve the overall management of your supply chain but ensure that you are not disrupting the customer experience.

As a business owner, it is your responsibility to ensure that your business is being tailored towards improving and consolidating your customer’s overall experience –why not start with your EPOS system?

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